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TrekkieGirl82 Profiilin Tiedot

I'll fill this in shortly
Ikä 41 Kaupungista Wichita, Kansas - Kirjautunut sisään - Yli 2 viikkoa sitten
Nainen Hae A Miestä

Perus Informaatio

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Oh hey! You clicked on me. Greetings fellow Trekkie, I’m Kira! I guess you want to know a little about me now huh? Ok, here it goes.....I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners...Oh, you don’t like the usual clichés? Me either. Well, I DO like those things, but you aren’t here to read about silly romantic stuff. Wait, maybe you are. Maybe I like that corny romantic stuff. I DO! I love romance, the giving and the getting, even the little stuff. It’s an awesome feeling and I like to try to keep the spark alive. But I also like being silly/goofy/dorky and bouncing around to music and singing, but not in public. So not into karaoke.
I grew up playing games with my family so I love having game nights, playing role playing games (tho I’m not that good at it), doing puzzles, escape rooms, trivia. I was born in late October so of course my favorite holiday is Halloween. I should probably mention that I don’t drink, smoke, or do drugs. I decided I really can’t live without having someone in my life that doesn’t appreciate the Trek world. Plus I have a lot of trek stuff and would love to Trek out my house (can’t really do that with someone who isn’t into it).
Ok, enough rambling. I think you have a sufficient amount of information, maybe a little too much. Hit me up if you wanna chat. Alcoholics need not apply.

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